
Order of the stick game
Order of the stick game

Haley: The ball is in the con man's palm the whole time. Haley (inset): The ball isn't under the first shell.Ĭut to the Death Knight riding a skeleton horse.Ĭut to the Huecuva standing with Redcloak and the Monster in the Darkness. Haley: The con is in getting you to pick a shell at all.Ĭut to the Eye of Fear and Flame marching with hobgoblins. The con is in getting you to accept that the basic premise of the game is still being followed. Haley: The con isn't in getting you to pick the wrong shell. Haley: A con man doesn't choose to play the shell game with you if there is any possibility of him actually losing.

order of the stick game


Haley: Roy, Hinjo, you two may know warfare-but *I* know how to run a con. Haley: I know everyone got in the habit of ignoring the gibberish that was coming out of my mouth, but you need to listen to what I am saying. Haley: No-gah! You're not-gods, it's frustrating how Lawful you people are! Hinjo: Do you have some information regarding which Xykon is the real one? Haley: No, look, it's a swindle! At its most basic the shell. Roy: Two of the Xykons are fake, we need to figure out which ones. Roy: It's just that you're not telling me anything I don't already know. Roy: Yes, I know what a shell game is, Haley. Haley: You know, like they set up on the street corners? Three nutshells, a ball, they mix them up and you pick one? Roy, Hinjo, and Durkon, one eyebrow raised, look askance at a smiling Haley. Hinjo, if the one in the rear moves, send-īeat. Roy: Durkon, Haley, and I will take the one to the south. Roy: We'll ignore the one in the rear, since it's not attacking yet.

order of the stick game

Roy: We're going to risk splitting the team up. Roy: OK.the Xykon on the horse is almost to the breach, that means we're out of time. The Eye of Fear and Flame (as Xykon) ◀ ▶Įlan, Durkon, Hinjo, Roy and Haley on the parapet of an Azure City wall.

Order of the stick game